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What is the price of Luna cryptocurrency?

Luna (LUNA) is currently ranked as the #135 cryptocurrency by market cap. Today it reached a high of $2.16, and now sits at $1.95. Luna (LUNA) price is down 7.81% in the last 24 hours. Luna is currently trading on 16 exchanges, with a 24hr trade volume of $60,231,327. ...

What is the Terra Luna price?

The launch price of LUNA 2.0 was around $17.80, although the token trades well below this level as of July 2022 amid an uncertain mood in the crypto market. Higher adoption of the Terra ecosystem by dApps and users could drive up the Terra LUNA price and market cap.

Where can I buy Luna (Luna)?

Terra's native token, LUNA, is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges — including Huobi, Bitfinex and Upbit — where it is available to be traded against fiat currencies, stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies. Are you interested in buying LUNA or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin?

What is Luna (Luna)?

LUNA is the native digital asset of the Terrablockchain, which serves as the governance and utility token of the ecosystem. The original Terra ecosystem collapsed following an attack that depegged the TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin and led to a crash in the price for the original Terra (LUNA) token.

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